D.G. Burke, P. E. Garrett, Tao Qu, and R.A. Naumann, 2008,
Nuclear structure of 229,231Th studied with the 230,232Th(d,t) reactions. Nuclear Physics A809, pp 129-170.
D.G. Burke, P. E. Garrett, and P.C. Sood, 2007,
Nuclear level structures in 160,162Tb studied with 161,163Dy(t,α ) reactions. Nuclear Physics A794, pp 149-165.
D.G. Burke, W.P. Alford, and D. Elmore, 2006, Nuclear structure studies
of 177,178,179,181Ta using (3He,d) and (α,t) reactions. Nuclear Physics A778, pp. 125-152.
D.G. Burke and I. Nowikow, 2005, Nuclear structure studies and particle-rotor
model tests for 151,153Sm using 149,151Sm(t,p) reactions. Nuclear
Physics A756, pp. 308-324.
D.G. Burke and G. Lovhoiden, 2005, (t,p) reaction studies of 165Dy and 179Hf.
Nuclear Physics A750, pp. 185-198.
D.G. Burke, 2005, Single-proton transfer studies of 153Eu levels. Nuclear
Physics A747, pp. 131-151.
D.G. Burke, P.E. Garrett and Tao Qu, 2003, Levels in 227Ac populated in
the 230Th(p,α) reaction, Nuclear Physics A724, pp. 274-288.
D.G. Burke, 2002, Search for experimental evidence supporting the multiphonon
description of excited states in 152Sm. Physical Review C 66,
pp. 024312-1-8.