William V. Prestwich
Professor Emeritus
Department of Physics and Astronomy
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4M1
Office: NRB-232
Phone: (905) 525-9140 x24498
FAX: (905) 546-1252
E-mail: prestwic@mcmaster.ca
Research Area: Medical
Physics |
Research Interest
W.V. Prestwich obtained his B.Sc. in 1960 and his Ph.D. in 1963 at McMaster. His doctoral research involved
the beta-decay of short-lived fission products.
From 1963-1965 he assisted in the development of the programme in capture gamma-ray spectroscopy at the McMaster
Nuclear Reactor. From 1965-1967, he was a research scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, Ill. He was engaged
in studies in neutron physics at A.N.L. as well as in mu-mesic atoms in a collaborative programme with the Carnegie-Mellon
cyclotron group. He joined the physics department in 1967, initiating research in the measurement of the lifetimes
of excited states populated by radiative capture. During sabbatical leave in 1974, he performed research in medical
physics at the University of Birmingham.
He is currently engaged in radiation physics and its application to health and medical physics. These studies
include radiative transport, theoretical and experimental dosimetry and microdosimetry. They form part of a collaborative
research programme with the Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre.
Selected Publications
- "Modelling DNA Damage Induced by Different Energy Photons and Tritium Beta-Particles", V.V. Moiseenko,
R.N. Hamm, A.J. Waker, W.V. Prestwich. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 37, (5) (1998), 533-550.
- "The Cellular Environment in Computer Simulations of Radiation-Induced Damage to DNA", V.V. Moiseenko,
R.N. Hamm, A.J. Waker, W.V. Prestwich. Radiat. Environ. Biophysics. 37, (1998), 167-172.
- "A Statistical Investigation of the Scaling Factor Method of Beta-Ray Dose Distribution Derivation, the
Scaling Factor for Water to Bone", S.M. Marcu, W.V. Prestwich. Medical Physics Journal, American Association
of Physicists in Medicine. 25, (8) 1998, 1472-1477.
- "Application of the Scaling Factor Method to Estimation of Beta Dose Distributions for Dissimilar Media
Separated by a Planar Interface", S.M. Marcu, W.V. Prestwich. Medical Physics Journal, American Association
of Physicists in Medicine. 25, (8) 1998, 1478-1486.
- "Monte Carlo Simulation of Source-Excited in vivo x-ray fluorescence measurements of heavy metals",
J.M. O'Meara, D.R. Chettle, F.E. McNeill, W.V. Prestwich, and C.E. Svensson. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 43,
(1998) 1413-1427.
- " Development of An Accelerator Based Determination of Aluminum Burden in Peripheral Bone by Neutron Activation
Analysis", A. Pejovic-Milic, F.E. McNeill, W.V. Prestwich, A.J. Waker, and D.R. Chettle. Appl. Radiat. Isot.
49, (1998) 717-719.
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