Research Publications by W. E. Harris

Here is a complete list of my papers in refereed journals from the NASA/ADS database search engine.

As of 2024 June, my "Hirsch index" (J. Hirsch 2005, ProcNatAcadSci 102(46), 16569) is h=67.

Some Selected Publications

JWST Photometry of Globular Cluster Populations in Abell 2744 at z=0.3 Harris, W.E., and Reina-Campos, M. 2024, MNRAS, 526, 2696

A Photometric Survey of Globular Cluster Systems in Brightest Cluster Galaxies Harris, W.E. 2023, ApJSuppl, 265, 9

The Outermost Stellar Halo of NGC 5128 (Censtuaurs A): Radial Structure Rejkuba, M., Harris, W.E., Greggio, L., Crnojevic, D., and Harris, G.L.H. 2022, AstronAp, 657, A41

The PIPER Survey. I. An Initial Look at the Intergalactic Globular Cluster Population in the Perseus Cluster Harris, W.E. et al. 2020, ApJ, 890, 105

On the Origin of Multiple Populations during Massive Star Cluster Formation Howard, C.C., Pudritz, R.E., Sills, A., and Harris, W.E. 2019, MNRAS, 486, 1146

Galactic Dark Matter Halos and Globular Cluster Populations. III: Extension to Extreme Environments Harris, W.E., Blakeslee, J.P., and Harris, G.L.H. 2017, ApJ, 836, 67

Massive Star Clusters in Galaxies, (Review article), W.E.Harris 2010, Phil.Trans.Royal Society, 368, 889

Saas-Fee Lectures on Globular Cluster Systems (2000) click here