Alison Sills
Department of Physics and Astronomy
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4M1
Office: ABB 353
Phone: (905) 525-9140 x24189
FAX: (905) 546-1252
E-mail: asills@mcmaster.ca
Research Area: Astrophysics
Research Interests
In my research, I use knowledge of stars and stellar evolution to understand
unusual stars in dense places, their interactions and their effect on their
A selection of questions that my group is interested in:
- Blue Straggler Stars
- What are the expected pulsation characteristics of collisional & mass transfer blue straggler stars? Are those in agreement with the observations?
- What happens to the angular momentum in a stellar collision
and during the subsequent evolution of the product? Is this the same or different for binary mass transfer products?
- Globular Cluster Formation and Dynamics:
- How can we explain the multiple populations now seen in globular clusters? Are the current explainations viable? What other ingredients are required to fully understand this problem?
- What are the connections between local clustered star formation and the formation & evolution of globular clusters?
I answer these questions using a variety of theoretical techniques and
computer codes. Depending on the situation, I use stellar evolution
codes, smoothed particle hydrodynamic codes or stellar dynamics codes,
running on computers which range from laptops to supercomputers.
I am an active member of collaborations with researchers from Canada, the US
and Europe, including the MODEST
(MOdelling DEnse STellar Systems) collaboration and the MYStIX collaboration.
Publications from ADS Abstract Service
Short CV
of Physics and Astronomy Home Page