
I am an astrophysics Ph.D. student in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at McMaster University. I study galaxy evolution with a focus on the molecular gas that fuels star formation in some of the most distant galaxies in the Universe (z~6, or about 12.7 billion years ago). Prior to arriving at McMaster, I received a BSc in Honours Physics with a minor in Mathematics and an MSc in Physics at Dalhousie University . Throughout my Master’s degree I spent one year conducting my research on primordial galaxy clusters and commissioning a new instrument at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope atop Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii.

Sub-Millimetre Array (SMA)at sunset


Learn more about my research in galaxy evolution.

A photo of pages of notes, homework, and a book


Experiences in teaching and pedagogical training.

A photo of a Lego Mindstorm orrery

Public Outreach

Getting kids to love science.

A watercolor painting by Chelsea of Arecibo with a star-forming nebula in the sky

More about myself

A brief bio and other fun stuff.

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact me using any of the methods below.

  • Address

    Kevin Lacaille
    Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
    McMaster University
    1280 Main Street West
    ABB Room 245C
    Hamilton, ON L8S 4M1