Biographical Outline

I'm originally from AArhus Denmark where I did my undergraduate work as well as a masters at the University of Aarhus.  I got my Ph. D. at the University of California, Santa Cruz, 1992, in Physics.  After my graduation from UCSC I spent two years (1992-94) as a postdoc at the University of British Columbia in the physics department.  From British Columbia I moved to Bloomington for a second postdoc (1994-96) at The University of Indiana Bloomington in the condensed matter theory group.  From December 1996 till the fall of 2001 I was working as a professeur at the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse. The web-server (for the theory group) can be accessed here. The theory group is part of the larger institute IRSAMC which you can contact here. In the fall of 2001 I joined the department of physics and astronomy at McMaster University here in Hamilton, Canada. The web-site for the department is accessible here.

My research is within condensed matter theory, in particular within what is sometimes called strongly correlated systems, but I have also an interest in statistical mechanics. A lot of my work focuses on computational physics and we have made extensive use of tensor networks to study materials. Here's a recent picture showing the different phases of a Kitaev material in a magnetic field.