CSE-746 2024 Home Assignment #1

Your task is to write an OpenACC version of the serial code ~syam/CSE746/Assignment1/primes_count.c (available on both graham and cedar clusters; you'll also need the header file ~syam/CSE746/Assignment1/part2.h). This is a code to count the number of prime numbers within a given interval. All prime numbers can be expressed as 6*k-1 or 6*k+1, k being an integer. The code defines the range of k via the macro parameters KMIN and KMAX. Check the parallel code correctness - it should produce the same result as the serial version, for the same range KMIN...KMAX. Try to make the parallel code as efficient as possible.

You should get a well performing code using only the following OpenACC elements:

- parallel directive

- loop directives

- reduction clause

- collapse clause

Compiling instructions are given in the header of the file primes_count.c. On P100 GPU, you are expected to achieve a speedup of 50x or more. You should put comments inside your code explaining what you are doing.

Marks will be taken off for code bugs (some or all the results are wrong), for insufficient commenting in the code, for poor performance. It must be your own work and you are responsible for adhering to the Senate Policy Statement on Academic Ethics.

Due date: Monday February 26 before midnight , send me the solution through email, to syam@physics.mcmaster.ca . Late submissions will have their mark reduced by 10% every day.

This assignment is worth 10 percent of the course grade.