Catalina Island Feb 20
1. why not to stay at La Romana
The Wall
2. ballyhoo
3. Tammy goes over the wall
4. deep water boulder coral?
5. close up of #4
6. lettuce leaf coral
7. vase sponge?
8. sea rod
9. ?
10. crab?
11. vase, tube finger etc sponges
12. Finger coral?
13. Smallmouth grunts
The Aquarium
14. Another crab
15. some kind of filefish?
16. sanddiver
17. yellow stingray
18. and again
19. red band parrot, initial phase
20. smallmouth grunts
21... going back
22. long spined sea urchin
23. feeding time for blue tang
24. ocean surgeonfish
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