James Wadsley

I was born in Australia and I have been in North America (primarily Canada) since 1992, when I started Graduate work in Astronomy at the University of Toronto. Working with my supervisor Dick Bond at CITA I applied gasdynamical simulations to the Lyman alpha forest problem. I was a postdoc at the University of Washington working with Craig Hogan and the "N-body Shop" group where I wrote the Gasoline code with Joachim Stadel and Tom Quinn. I then came to McMaster to work with Ralph Pudtriz and Hugh Couchman in Physics and Astronomy. In 2002 I switched from full-time research to start spending time all over campus assisting researchers to develop parallel programs for the new SHARCNET supercomputer clusters. I was still involved in cutting edge astrophysics research and in July 2003 I took up a tenure track position with the Physics and Astromomy Department at McMaster. Please see my gallery of recent research results, including images and movies of planets, star formation and galaxies!

My wife Tara and I have three kids: Fiona, Ian and Duncan. You can see pictures of them here.

Last updated Jan 2007