Preparation Notes for Chapter 9 (Linear Momentum; two-three classes) Momentum and Impulse -------------------- Reading 9.1-9.2; Problems 9.5, 9.10 (1) Review by instructor: momentum p=mv; vector, kg m/s; F_net = m a = m dv/dt = d(mv)/dt = dp/dt (2) Impulse Delta p = integral (F dt) = I I = avg F Delta t where avg F = integral F dt /Delta t (3) Discussion: the movie ``Speed''; in the scene at the end, when the subway car jumps the rails to avoid crashing into the end of the tunnel; why is this a good strategy? (many little collisions are better than one big collision; smaller force over longer time) (Alternatively, if class hasn't seen the movie, discuss a truck hitting sand cans versus a bridge pillar) (4) Problem 10 Collisions ---------- Reading 9.3-9.4; Problems 57, 61 (1) What is a collision? two particles exert large impulsive force on each other. Assume I >> other forces p = p_1 + p_2; dp/dt = dp_1/dt + dp_2/dt = F_21 + F_12 = 0 p = constant; p_1i + p_2i = p_1f + p_2f (2) Discussion topic: can you come up with an example of a collision where momentum is NOT conserved? (3) Elastic collisions --> Delta K = 0; inelastic collisions --> Delta K not equal 0; Perfectly inelastic --> objects stick together; discuss everyday examples of collisions; what type are they? (4) Demo: drop a small ball above a big ball; small ball shoots off very fast; students discuss why this happened. (Note: this is a good demo but the mathematical discussion is long if you try to derive it from the formulae below; if you want to derive the speed of the lighter ball, I find it good to have an overhead with the formula for the speed of m_1 and m_2 written down as a starting point.) (5) review some formulas with them (perhaps as part of doing the problems?): perfectly inelastic: m_1 v_1i + m_2 v_2i = (m_1+m_2)v_f elastic: m_1 v_1i + m_2 v_2i = m_1 v_1f + m_2 v_2f 1/2 m_1 v_1i^2 + 1/2 m_2 v_2i^2 = 1/2 m_1 v_1f^2 + 1/2 m_2 v_2f^2 (6) Problem 61 Suggested Presentation Topics ----------------------------- Airbags, Sand Cans, and other Highway Lifesavers Baseball Bat Weight and Momentum Exchange with the Ball Why it *is* Important to Follow-through on that Swing Car collisions: Damage as a Function of Car Velocity Desirable Properties of Highway Medians Properties of Survivable Falls Note: these presentations can be difficult, particularly if they are trying to measure impulse. The trick is to try to make the collision occur over as long a time as possible. Some of these presentations topics are less amenable to quantitative analysis, so some of the experiments may have to be qualitative or comparisons between one setup and another. Content of Chapter 9 -------------------- momentum and relation to force impulse conservation of momentum in isolated systems collisions: elastic, inelastic, perfectly inelastic