#-------------------------------------------------------------- # NGC3184, Raster, Combining all data, March and April 08 runs #-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIAL REDUCTION USING NEAREST SPREAD: # Bad pointing observations for this galaxy in March run excluded # Full cube for observations on 20080310, 20080311, and 20080427 makecube in="a20080*_flagspike.sdf" autogrid=true crota=315 pixsize=7.2761 sparse=false spread='nearest' specbounds=\"175.0 985.0\" out=ngc3184_combined reset # Projection parameters used: # CRPIX1 = 32.8653061240911 # CRPIX2 = 31.5285714268684 # CRVAL1 = 154.570833333333 ( RA = 10:18:17.0 ) # CRVAL2 = 41.4244444444444 ( Dec = 41:25:28 ) # CDELT1 = -0.00202113893296984 ( -7.3 arcsec ) # CDELT2 = 0.00202113893296984 ( 7.3 arcsec ) # CROTA2 = 315 # # Output cube pixel bounds: ( -31:32, -31:32, -954:952 ) # Output cube WCS bounds: # Right ascension: 10:17:47.9 -> 10:18:46.4 # Declination: 41:19:57 -> 41:30:55 # Optical velocity (USB): 174.8873 -> 985.2542 km/s # # WARNING: Tsys conversion factor has changed from 3.0986809765689e-06 to # 3.09894755816288e-06 (0.00860306678847371 %) in file a20080427_00033_flagspike mfittrend ngc3184_combined ranges=\"175 480 680 985\" order=1 axis=3 out=ngc3184_combined_base1 # Fitting NDF Axis 3, using ranges in current co-ordinate Frame (pixels): # 175.3111 : 479.9082 km/s (-954 : -236) # 679.6315 : 984.8281 km/s (234 : 951) sub ngc3184_combined ngc3184_combined_base1 ngc3184_combined_sub1 compave ngc3184_combined_sub1 ngc3184_combined_sub1_20kms compress="[1,1,47]" stats 'ngc3184_combined_sub1_20kms(~25,~25,:)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0210104 stats 'ngc3184_combined_sub1_20kms(~25,~25,175.0:480.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0198957 stats 'ngc3184_combined_sub1_20kms(~25,~25,680.0:985.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.018986 mfittrend ngc3184_combined ranges=\"175 480 680 985\" order=3 axis=3 out=ngc3184_combined_base3 Fitting NDF Axis 3, using ranges in current co-ordinate Frame (pixels): 175.3111 : 479.9082 km/s (-954 : -236) 679.6315 : 984.8281 km/s (234 : 951) sub ngc3184_combined ngc3184_combined_base3 ngc3184_combined_sub3 compave ngc3184_combined_sub3 ngc3184_combined_sub3_20kms compress="[1,1,47]" stats 'ngc3184_combined_sub3_20kms(~25,~25,:)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0208371 stats 'ngc3184_combined_sub3_20kms(~25,~25,175.0:480.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0186565 stats 'ngc3184_combined_sub3_20kms(~25,~25,680.0:985.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.016697 # Just scraping through with a 3rd order baseline fit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW SINCSINC: makecube in="a*" autogrid=true crota=315 pixsize=7.2761 sparse=false spread='sincsinc' params='[1,2]' specbounds=\"175.0 985.0\" out=ngc3184_sincsinc reset # Projection parameters used: # CRPIX1 = 32.8653061240911 # CRPIX2 = 31.5285714268684 # CRVAL1 = 154.570833333333 ( RA = 10:18:17.0 ) # CRVAL2 = 41.4244444444444 ( Dec = 41:25:28 ) # CDELT1 = -0.00202113893296984 ( -7.3 arcsec ) # CDELT2 = 0.00202113893296984 ( 7.3 arcsec ) # CROTA2 = 315 # # Output cube pixel bounds: ( -31:32, -31:32, -954:952 ) # Output cube WCS bounds: # Right ascension: 10:17:47.9 -> 10:18:46.4 # Declination: 41:19:57 -> 41:30:55 # Optical velocity (USB): 174.8873 -> 985.2542 km/s # # WARNING: Tsys conversion factor has changed from 3.0986809765689e-06 to # 3.09894755816288e-06 (0.00860306678847371 %) in file a20080427_00033_flagspike # # WARNING: Cannot create output Tsys values. chpix in=ngc3184_sincsinc out=ngc3184_sincsinc_spikebad section=\":,:,-301:-309\" newval=bad ndfcopy in=ngc3184_sincsinc_spikebad'(-19:21,-20:22,)' out=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim mfittrend ngc3184_sincsinc_trim ranges=\"175 480 680 985\" order=3 axis=3 out=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_base3 # Fitting NDF Axis 3, using ranges in current co-ordinate Frame (pixels): # 175.3111 : 479.9082 km/s (-954 : -236) # 679.6315 : 984.8281 km/s (234 : 951) sub ngc3184_sincsinc_trim ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_base3 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_sub3 compave ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_sub3 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_sub3_20kms compress="[1,1,47]" stats 'ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_sub3_20kms(~25,~25,:)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0182779 stats 'ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_sub3_20kms(~25,~25,175.0:480.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0160862 stats 'ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_sub3_20kms(~25,~25,680.0:985.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0144187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASELINE MASK PRODUCTION: # First produce a smoothed cube to identify the line and make masks with mfittrend block in=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim out=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_vsmooth 'axes=[1,3] box=[1,25]' block in=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_vsmooth out=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth 'axes=[1,2] box=[3,3]' mfittrend in=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth axis=3 order=3 out=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth_base3 auto mask=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth_basemsk3 method=single variance=false subtract=false 'clip=[2,3]' mfittrend in=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth axis=3 order=3 out=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth_base3g auto mask=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth_basemsk3g method=global variance=false subtract=false 'clip=[2,2.5,3]' add ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth_basemsk3 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_smooth_basemsk3g ngc3184_trim_basemask0 chpix in=ngc3184_trim_basemask0 out=ngc3184_trim_basemask0_end1 section=\":,:,-955:-236\" newval=0 chpix in=ngc3184_trim_basemask0_end1 out=ngc3184_trim_basemask0_end2 section=\":,:,234:952\" newval=0 cadd ngc3184_trim_basemask0_end2 1 ngc3184_trim_basemask1 mult ngc3184_sincsinc_trim ngc3184_trim_basemask1 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_masked mfittrend ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_masked ranges=\"175 985\" order=3 axis=3 out=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_masked_base3 # Fitting NDF Axis 3, using ranges in current co-ordinate Frame (pixels): # 175.3111 : 984.8281 km/s (-954 : 951) sub ngc3184_sincsinc_trim ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_masked_base3 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3 compave ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms compress="[1,1,47]" stats 'ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms(~25,~25,:)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0169464 stats 'ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms(~25,~25,175.0:480.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0167859 stats 'ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms(~25,~25,680.0:985.0)' | grep Standard # Standard deviation : 0.0151819 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE MOMENT MAPS: mkdir Moment_sincsinc cp ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3.sdf Moment_sincsinc/ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_rembsl.sdf cp ngc3184_trim_basemask1.sdf Moment_sincsinc/ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_msk.sdf cp ../NGC3031/Moment_sincsinc/REDUCE_SCIENCE_GRADIENT Moment_sincsinc/ cd Moment_sincsinc *Edit RSG Script: emacs REDUCE_SCIENCE_GRADIENT & set object = "ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3" set vrange = "low=480 high=680" # Quick jumps to repeat parts of the reduction #goto STEP1a #goto STEP1b #goto STEP2 goto STEP3 foreach rmslev (2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0) **Remove trim function: # Multiply baselined cube with clump mask ${kap}/mult ${sdf} ${sdf}_findclump${rmslab} ${sdf}_clmsk${rmslab} # Trim the noisy edges # ${kap}/ndfcopy temp'(-26:26,-36:40,)' ${sdf}_clmsk${rmslab} \rm -f ${sdf}_mask_temp1.sdf ${sdf}_mask_temp2.sdf >& /dev/null ./REDUCE_SCIENCE_GRADIENT # RMS MASKED SMOOTHED CUBE(-11:13,-12:14,-896:894): 0.00886204035016422 Rotate intvel maps: rotate ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel20 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel20_rot angle=! rotate ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel25 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel25_rot angle=! rotate ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel30 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel30_rot angle=! rotate ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel35 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel35_rot angle=! rotate ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel40 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel40_rot angle=! rotate ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel45 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel45_rot angle=! rotate ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel50 ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_intvel50_rot angle=! (contoured totint maps and velocity maps then made using gaia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE CUBES DISPLAYING S/N RATIO: collapse in=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3.sdf low=175 high=480 axis=vopt out=sigma_low estimator=sigma reset collapse in=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3.sdf low=680 high=985 axis=vopt out=sigma_high estimator=sigma reset block ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms.sdf ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms_bin5.sdf axes="[2,3]" box="[1,5]" estimator=mean block ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms.sdf ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms_bin9.sdf axes="[2,3]" box="[1,9]" estimator=mean manic in=sigma_low out=sigma_low_3d axes="[1,2,0]" lbound=-19 ubound=40 reset wcscopy ndf=sigma_low_3d like=ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms_bin5.sdf confirm=false reset cdiv sigma_low_3d 6.85565 sigma_low_20kms div ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms_bin5.sdf sigma_low_20kms.sdf ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms_bin5_SN.sdf div ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms_bin9.sdf sigma_low_20kms.sdf ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_20kms_bin9_SN.sdf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE TOTINT20 NOISE and SN MAPS: mkdir noise_maps cd noise_maps cp ../sigma_high.sdf . cp ../sigma_low.sdf . cp ../Moment_sincsinc/ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_rembsl_findclump20.sdf . cp ../Moment_sincsinc/ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_totint20.sdf . add sigma_high sigma_low out=sigma_sum cdiv sigma_sum.sdf 2 sigma_avg collapse in= ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_rembsl_findclump20.sdf out=test0 axis=vopt estimator=sum wlim=0.0 (must make mask to multiply by collapsed image so values are real, not integer, otherwise sqrt function below will round to nearest integer) cmult sigma_avg 0 test1 cadd test1 1.0 test2 mult test2 test0 test3 (now have same collapsed image with real, not integer values) maths exp="sqrt(IA)" out=test4 IA=test3 cmult test4 0.42 test5 mult sigma_avg test5 ngc3184_totint20_noise div ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_totint20.sdf ngc3184_totint20_noise ngc3184_totint20_SN (contoured SN maps then made using gaia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIM OUT NOISE FROM TOTINT20 MAP: *Try trimming regions with SN < 2.0: thresh ngc3184_totint20_SN.sdf thrlo=2 newlo=bad thrhi=500 newhi=bad out=ngc3184_totint20_SN_thresh2 # There were 511 elements changed in the DATA array below the threshold. # There were 0 elements changed in the DATA array above the threshold. cmult ngc3184_totint20_SN_thresh2.sdf 0 ngc3184_zeroall_2 cadd ngc3184_zeroall_2 1 ngc3184_msk_2 mult ngc3184_msk_2.sdf ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_totint20.sdf ngc3184_totint20_noisetrim2 *Try trimming regions with SN < 1.5: thresh ngc3184_totint20_SN.sdf thrlo=1.5 newlo=bad thrhi=500 newhi=bad out=ngc3184_totint20_SN_thresh15 # There were 438 elements changed in the DATA array below the threshold. # There were 0 elements changed in the DATA array above the threshold. cmult ngc3184_totint20_SN_thresh15.sdf 0 ngc3184_zeroall_15 cadd ngc3184_zeroall_15.sdf 1 ngc3184_msk_15 mult ngc3184_msk_15.sdf ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_totint20.sdf ngc3184_totint20_noisetrim_15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE TOTINT30 NOISE and SN MAPS: cp ../Moment_sincsinc/ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_rembsl_findclump30.sdf . cp ../Moment_sincsinc/ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_totint30.sdf . collapse in= ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_rembsl_findclump30.sdf out=test6 axis=vopt estimator=sum wlim=0.0 mult test2 test6 test7 maths exp="sqrt(IA)" out=test8 IA=test7 cmult test8 0.42 test9 mult sigma_avg test9 ngc3184_totint30_noise div ngc3184_sincsinc_trim_submask3_totint30.sdf ngc3184_totint30_noise ngc3184_totint30_SN (contoured SN maps then made using gaia)