McMaster University Department of Physics & Astronomy           McMaster University

Duncan O'Dell

My Google Scholar Profile

Publications (see below for PhD and MSc theses from the group)

61) Gauge potentials and vortices in the Fock space of a pair of periodically driven Bose-Einstein condensates
J. Mumford, D. Kamp and D.H.J. O'Dell, arXiv:2404.00533

60) Duality between the quantum inverted harmonic oscillator and inverse square potentials
Sriram Sundaram, C.P. Burgess and D.H.J. O'Dell, New J. Phys. 26, 053023 (2024).

59) Scaling at the out-of-time-ordered correlator wavefront: Free versus chaotic models
Jonathon Riddell, Wyatt Kirkby, D. H. J. O'Dell, and Erik S. Sørensen, Phys. Rev. B 108, L121108 (2023).

58) Caustics in the sine-Gordon model from quenches in coupled one-dimensional Bose gases
A. Agarwal, M. Kulkarni and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 108, 013312 (2023).

57) Exactly solvable model behind Bose-Hubbard dimers, Ince-Gauss beams, and aberrated optical cavities
R. Gutiérrez-Cuevas, D. H. J. O'Dell, M. R. Dennis, and M. A. Alonso, Phys. Rev. A 107, L031502 (2023).

56) Logarithmic catastrophes and Stokes's phenomenon in waves at horizons
L. M. Farrell, C. J. Howls and D. H. J. O'Dell, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 044001 (2023).

55) Caustics in quantum many-body dynamics
W. Kirkby, Y. Yee, K. Shi and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 013105 (2022).

54) Fall-to-the-centre as a PT symmetry breaking transition
Sriram Sundaram, C. P. Burgess, and Duncan H. J. O'Dell, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2038, 012024 (2021).

53) False signals of chaos from quantum probes
W. Kirkby, D. H. J. O'Dell and J. Mumford, Phys. Rev. A 104, 043308 (2021).

52) Measuring out-of-time-ordered correlation functions with a single impurity qubit in a bosonic Josephson junction
J. Mumford, W. Kirkby, and D. H. J. O'Dell, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 145301 (2020).

51) Emergence of singularities from decoherence: Quantum catastrophes
Aaron Z. Goldberg, Asma Al-Qasimi, J. Mumford, and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 100, 063628 (2019).

50) Quantum caustics and the hierarchy of light cones in quenched spin chains
W. Kirkby, J. Mumford, and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033135 (2019).

49) Balancing long-range interactions and quantum pressure: Solitons in the Hamiltonian mean-field model
Ryan Plestid and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. E 100, 022216 (2019).

48) Quantum Spin Dynamics in Fock Space Following Quenches: Caustics and Vortices
J. Mumford, E. Turner, D.W.L. Sprung, and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 170402 (2019).

47) Revealing short-range non-Newtonian gravity through Casimir-Polder shielding
Robert Bennett and D.H.J. O'Dell, New J. Phys. 21, 033032 (2019).

46) Fall to the centre in atom traps and point-particle EFT for absorptive systems
R. Plestid, C.P. Burgess, and D.H.J. O'Dell, J. High Energ. Phys. 59 (2018).

45) Violent relaxation in quantum fluids with long-range interactions
Ryan Plestid, Perry Mahon, and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. E 98, 012112 (2018).

44) Vortices and vortex lattices in quantum ferrofluids
A.M. Martin, N.G. Marchant, D.H.J. O'Dell and N.G. Parker, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 103004 (2017).

43) Catastrophes in non-equilibrium many-particle wave functions: universality and critical scaling
J. Mumford, W. Kirkby and D.H.J. O'Dell, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 044005 (2017).

42) Parametric amplification of light in a cavity with a moving dielectric membrane: Landau-Zener problem for the Maxwell field
F. Hasan and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 94, 043823 (2016).

41) Exploring the stability and dynamics of dipolar matter-wave dark solitons
M. J. Edmonds, T. Bland, D. H. J. O'Dell, and N. G. Parker, Phys. Rev. A 93, 063617 (2016).

40) An Optomechanical Elevator: Transport of a Bloch Oscillating Bose-Einstein Condensate up and down an Optical Lattice by Cavity Sideband Amplification and Cooling
B. Prasanna Venkatesh, Duncan H.J. O'Dell and Jonathan Goldwin, Atoms, 4(1), 2 (2016).

39) Controllable nonlocal interactions between dark solitons in dipolar condensates
T. Bland, M. J. Edmonds, N. P. Proukakis, A. M. Martin, D. H. J. O'Dell, and N. G. Parker, Phys. Rev. A 92, 063601 (2015).

38) Dicke-type phase transition in a multimode optomechanical system
J. Mumford, D.H.J. O'Dell and J. Larson, Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 527, 115 (2015).

37) Critical exponents for an impurity in a bosonic Josephson junction: Position measurement as a phase transition
J. Mumford and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 90, 063617 (2014).

36) Backaction-Driven Transport of Bloch Oscillating Atoms in Ring Cavities
J. Goldwin, B. Prasanna Venkatesh, and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 073003 (2014).

35) Impurity in a bosonic Josephson junction: Swallowtail loops, chaos, self-trapping, and Dicke model
Jesse Mumford, Jonas Larson, and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 89, 023620 (2014).

34) Vortices in the two-dimensional dipolar Bose gas
B.C. Mulkerin, D.H.J. O'Dell, A.M. Martin and N.G. Parker, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 497 012025 (2014).

33) Chaos in circuit QED: decoherence, localization and nonclassicality
J. Larson and D.H.J. O'Dell, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. 46, 224015 (2013).

32) Anisotropic and long-range vortex interactions in two-dimensional dipolar Bose gases
B.C. Mulkerin, R.M.W. van Bijnen, D.H.J. O'Dell, A.M. Martin, and N.G. Parker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 170402 (2013).

31) Bloch oscillations of cold atoms in a cavity: Effects of quantum noise
B. Prasanna Venkatesh and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 88, 013848 (2013).

30) Quantum Catastrophes and Ergodicity in the Dynamics of Bosonic Josephson Junctions
D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 150406 (2012)

29) Impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well
F. Mulansky, J. Mumford, and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 84, 063602 (2011).

28) Adiabatic transfer of light in a double cavity and the optical Landau-Zener problem
N. Miladinovic, F. Hasan, N. Chisholm, I.E. Linnington, E.A. Hinds, and D.H.J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A. 84, 043822 (2011).

27) Synthetic magnetohydrodynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates and routes to vortex nucleation
L. B. Taylor, R. M. W. van Bijnen, D. H. J. O'Dell, N. G. Parker, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans, and A. M. Martin, Phys. Rev. A 84, 021604(R) (2011).

26) Band-structure loops and multistability in cavity QED
B. Prasanna Venkatesh, J. Larson, and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 83, 063606 (2011).

25) Collective excitation frequencies and stationary states of trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in the Thomas-Fermi regime
R. M. W. van Bijnen, N. G. Parker, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans, A. M. Martin, and D. H. J. O’Dell, Phys. Rev. A 82, 033612

24) Atomic Bloch-Zener oscillations for sensitive force measurements in a cavity
B. Prasanna Venkatesh, M. Trupke, E. A. Hinds, and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 80, 063834 (2009).

23) Classical versus quantum dynamics of the atomic Josephson junction
G. Krahn and D.H.J. O'Dell, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 205501, (2009).

22) Exact solutions and stability of rotating dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in the Thomas-Fermi limit
R.M.W. van Bijnen, A.J. Dow, D.H.J. O’Dell, N.G. Parker, A.M. Martin, Physical Review A 89, 033617 (2009).

21) Structure formation during the collapse of a dipolar atomic Bose-Einstein condensate
N. G. Parker, C. Ticknor, A. M. Martin, and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 79, 013617 (2009).

20) Collapse times of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
C. Ticknor, N. G. Parker, A. Melatos, S. L. Cornish, D. H. J. O'Dell, and A. M. Martin, Phys. Rev. A 78, 061607(R) (2008).

19) Thomas-Fermi versus one- and two-dimensional regimes of a trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
N. G. Parker and D. H. J. O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 78, 041601(R) (2008).

18) Instabilities and Vortex Lattice Formation in Conventional and Dipolar Dilute Gas Bose-Einstein Condensates
A.M. Martin, N.G. Parker, R.M.W. van Bijnen, A. Dow and D.H.J. O’Dell, Laser Physics 18, 322 (2008).

17) Dynamical Instability of a Rotating Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate
R. M. W. van Bijnen, D. H. J. O'Dell, N. G. Parker, and A. M. Martin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 150401 (2007).

16) Vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate with dipole-dipole interactions
D.H.J. O'Dell and C. Eberlein, Phys. Rev. A 75, 013604 (2007).

15) Exact solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation for a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate with dipole-dipole interactions
Claudia Eberlein, Stefano Giovanazzi and Duncan O'Dell, Phys. Rev. A 71, 033618 (2005).

14) Instabilities and the roton spectrum of a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensed gas with dipole-dipole interactions (Special Issue: Ultracold Polar Molecules:Formation and Collisions)
Stefano Giovanazzi and Duncan O'Dell, Eur. Phys. J. D. 31, 439 (2004).

13) Electromagnetically-induced isothermal ``gravitational'' collapse in molecular fermionic gases
A.I. Artemiev, I.E. Mazets, G. Kurizki and D. O'Dell, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 18, 2027 (2004).

12) Bose-Einstein condensates with laser-induced dipole-dipole interactions beyond the mean-field approach
Kurizki G, Mazets IE, O'Dell DHJ, Schleich WP, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 18, 961 (2004).

11) Exact Hydrodynamics of a trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
Duncan H.J. O'Dell, Stefano Giovanazzi and Claudia Eberlein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 250401 (2004).

10) Depletion of a Bose-Einstein condensate by laser-induced dipole-dipole interactions
I.E. Mazets, D.H.J. O'Dell, G. Kurizki, N. Davidson and W.P. Schleich, J. Phys. B 37, S155 (2004).

9) Squeezing in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensed gas
Duncan O'Dell, Stefano Giovanazzi and Gershon Kurizki J. Mod. Opt. 50, 2655 (2003).

8) Rotons in Gaseous Bose-Einstein Condensates Irradiated by a Laser
D.H.J. O'Dell, S. Giovanazzi and G. Kurizki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 110402 (2003).

7) Density Modulations of Bose-Einstein Condensates via Laser-Induced Interactions
S. Giovanazzi, D.H.J. O'Dell and G. Kurizki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 130402 (2002).

6) One-dimensional compression of Bose-Einstein condensates by laser-induced dipole-dipole interactions
S. Giovanazzi, D.H.J. O'Dell and G Kurizki, J. Phys. B, 34, 4757 (2001).

5) Dynamical diffraction in sinusoidal potentials: uniform approximations for Mathieu functions
D.H.J. O'Dell, J. Phys. A 34, 3897 (2001).

4) Self-Binding Transition in Bose Condensates with Laser-Induced ``Gravitation''
S. Giovanazzi, D. O'Dell, G. Kurizki, Phys. Rev. A(R) 63, 031603 (2001)

3) Bose-Einstein Condensates with 1/r Interatomic Attraction: Electromagnetically Induced ``Gravity''
D. O'Dell, S. Giovanazzi, G. Kurizki and V.M. Akulin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5687 (2000).
For commentary on this paper see Why trapped atoms are attractive, James Anglin, Nature (London) 406, 29 (2000); Physicists tell atoms to pull themselves together, Mark Haw, Nature Science update, 28 June 2000:

2) Ergodicity in wave-wave diffraction
M.V. Berry and D.H.J. O'Dell, J. Phys. A 32, 3571 (1999).

1) Diffraction by volume gratings with imaginary potentials
M V Berry and D H J O'Dell, J. Phys. A 31, 2093 (1998)

Chapters in books

1) Coherence and Entanglement in Mesoscopic Systems
M. Blaauboer, N. Davidson, M. Heiblum, G. Kurizki, D. O'Dell, A. M. Dykhne, E. Sarnelli, p565-572 in Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems, V.M. Akulin et al (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics 602 (Kluwer Academic publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2005).

2) Bose-Einstein condensates with laser-induced dipole-dipole interactions
Duncan O'Dell, Stefano Giovanazzi and Gershon Kurizki, p581-588 in Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems , V.M. Akulin et al (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics 602 (Kluwer Academic publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2005).

3) New Regimes in Cold Gases via Laser-Induced Long-Range Interactions
Gershon Kurizki, Stefano Giovanazzi, Duncan O'Dell and Alexandre I. Artemiev in Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions, T. Dauxois et al (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics 602 (Springer, Berlin, 2002).

PhD thesis

The diffraction of atoms by light, University of Bristol (1999)

Theses from the group

Bloch-Zener Oscillations of a Cold Atom in an Optical Cavity
B. Prasanna Venkatesh, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2008)

Adiabatic Transfer of Light in a Double Cavity
N.K. Miladinovic, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2011)

Steady State and Dynamical Properties of an Impurity in a BEC in a Double Well Potential
J.D. Mumford, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2012)

Bloch oscillations of cold atoms in a cavity
B. Prasanna Venkatesh, Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University (2013)

Numerical Study of The Dynamical Casimir Effect and its Classical Analogue in a Double Cavity
F. Hasan, Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University (2016)

The Abraham-Minkowski controversy and He-McKellar-Wilkens phase
N. Miladinovic, Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University (2017)

Singularities in a BEC in a double well potential
J.D. Mumford, Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University (2017)

Singularities in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics
W. Kirkby, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2017)

Dynamic Fidelity Susceptibility and its Applications to Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics in Driven Quantum Systems
M. Richards, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2019)

Schwinger Pair Production and Fall to the Center
S. Sundaram, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2019)

Quantum Effects in the Hamiltonian Mean Field Model
R. Plestid, Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University (2019)

Analogue Hawking radiation as a logarithmic quantum catastrophe
L. Farrell, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2021)

Caustics and Flags of Chaos in Quantum Many-Body Systems
W. Kirkby, Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University (2022)

Quantum Bifurcations in Bose-Einstein condensates
D. Kamp, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University (2022)


Vortex in a dipolar BEC (PDF)

Adiabatic Transfer of Light in a Double Cavity and the Optical Landau-Zener Problem (PDF)

Quantum Catastrophes in Bosonic Josephson Junctions (JPG)