Group Members
Back Row (left to right): Cecile Fradin, Arthur Montazeri, James Jonkman, Felix Wong, Dmitri Satsoura
Front Row (left to right): Ajit Thakur, Asmahan Abu-Arish, Daniel Banks, Vera Matulovic, Aleksandra Dabkowska.
Asmahan Abu-Arish (Ph.D. student, Physics,
Daniel Banks (Ph.D. student, Physics,
James Jonkman (Ph.D. student, Physics)
Dmitri Satsoura (Ph.D. student, Biochemistry,
Felix Wong (M.Sc. student, Physics,
Aleksandra Dabkowska (Biochemistry,
Aleksandra is a fourth-year Biochemistry student who is helping in the investigation of the dynamics of molecular beacons. |
Vera Matulovic (Biochemistry,
Vera is a fourth-year Biochemistry student who is helping with the investigation of the photophysical behavior of individual fluorescent particles with respect to both temperature and pH. |
Ajit Thakur (Physics and Biology,
Molecular Beacons |
Genetic Engineering of Nuclear Pore Complexes in Yeast Cells |
Group Pictures
Lab group 2003
Left to right: Cecile Couzon, Cecile Fradin, Arthur Montazeri, Felix Wong, Asmahan Abu-Arish, Daniel Banks, Dmitri Satsoura, Clinton Campbell, Ajit Thakur