Probing Non-Abelian Statistics in the Fractional
Jan 25, 2007
3:30PM to 4:30PM
Date(s) - 25/01/2007
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Title: Probing Non-Abelian Statistics in the Fractional
Speaker: Dr. Parsa Bonderson
Location: ABB 102
Two dimensional gapped systems allow for quasiparticle excitations with exotic exchange statistics based on the braid group. This may give rise to “anyons” with fractional statistics that lie somewhere between that of bosons and fermions, or, even more exotically, “non-Abelian anyons” with particle exchange represented by matrices. The fractional quantum
Hall effect, which is known to exhibit anyons, is also believed to support non-Abelian anyons, in particular at the nu = 5/2 and 12/5 filling fraction plateaus. I will discuss our proposal for interferometry experiments designed to probe the braiding statistics of such quantum Hall systems.