Date(s) - 21/04/2021
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Title: Intersection of Accessibility and Teaching
Speaker: Kate Brown & Devon Mordell
Kate Brown (Equity and Inclusion Office) and Devon Mordell (Equity and Inclusion Office) will introduce physics and astronomy academic community members to definitions of disability, accessibility and accommodation (similarities and differences), as well as provide a (brief and broad) context of the representation of disability in STEM fields currently in Canada and the US.
With this context in mind, Devon and Kate will then employ a case study and “backwards problem solving” approach to facilitate discussions with the audience to better understand what instructional practices instructors might be already be engaging with that would be considered “accessible education” (but have not previously been framed as such), offering clear and practical solutions to integrating accessible pedagogical practices and techniques into online and blended teaching and learning environments where relevant and needed.
Institution: McMaster University
Location: Zoom
Host: Dr. Christine Wilson