Welcome to the 2016 Quantum Materials Summer School!
The 2016 CIFAR Quantum Materials Summer School will be hosted in Toronto, ON from April 25-27, 2016. We invite graduate students and postdocs to attend this summer school, which will consist of three days of lectures and tutorials on current QM research from key program members. This purpose of the school is to make the talks of the Quantum Materials main meeting more accessible. The main meeting immediately follows the summer school, taking place from April 28-30, 2016.
Registration is limited to graduate students and postdocs of CIFAR QM program members and Moore Foundation EPiQS Investigators. Registration is limited to a maximum of 80 students and postdocs of CIFAR program members. An additional 20 spots are reserved for students and postdocs of invited EPiQS investigators. In the first round of registration, from January 25 to February 14, only one student may be nominated per program member/investigator. In the second round of registration, from February 15 to March 7, each program member/investigator may nominate a second student on a first come first serve basis, until the registration cap is reached.
Registration Fees are as follows:
Summer school only: $250 Summer school & main meeting: $500
Travel and accommodation
CIFAR will cover the travel and accommodation costs for at most two students per program member. CIFAR's travel policy applies to the summer school. Please familiarize yourself with it and contact us if you have any questions. After the summer school, eligible travel and meal expenses are reimbursed through CIFAR using the CIFAR Expense Claim Form.
The summer school is being jointly organized by students of CIFAR group members from McMaster University and the University of Toronto:
Alannah Hallas (McMaster University)
Jonathan Gaudet (McMaster University)
Murray Wilson (McMaster University)
Ciarán Hickey (University of Toronto)