Date(s) - 19/01/2005
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Title: Gas and Ice in Protoplanetary Disks
Speaker: Dr. Ewine Van Dishoeck
Institute: Leiden University, The Netherlands
Location: ABB 102
In the last decade, it has been well established that many pre-main sequence stars are surrounded by disks with sizes and masses comparable to those of our own primitive solar system. While much attention has been paid to the analysis of continuum data, line observations can provide important complementary information on the physical structure and chemical composition of disks. High-J lines of CO and other simple gas-phase molecules (including deuterated species)have been obtained with the JCMT and OVRO to constrain the temperatures and densities, as well as the chemical abundances. The presence of abundant ices in the cold part of disks is suggested by recent data from VLT-ISAAC and the Spitzer Space Telescope. Silicate emission from the warm inner region is also observed with Spitzer. The results will be discussed in the context of models of flared and non-flared disks and their evolution from protostellar regions. The importance of future observational facilities, in particular ALMA, JWST and Herschel, will be emphasized.