Neutron scattering study of the behavior of molecular hydrogen in porous confinement
Apr 12, 2017
3:30PM to 4:30PM
Date(s) - 12/04/2017
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Title: Neutron scattering study of the behavior of molecular hydrogen in porous confinement
Speaker: Dr. Ferenc Mezei
Institute: European Spallation Source
Location: ABB 102
The storage of gases, in particular hydrogen, inside nano-porous solids is a subject of high current interest both from academic and from applied research points of view. Hydrogen atoms display a large cross section for scattering of neutrons, and this makes neutron beams a privileged probe to study where hydrogen atoms are and what they do inside bulk matter, including molecules confined in porous materials. Both the positions occupied and the mobility of the hydrogen molecules inside confinement cages are revealing the interactions between these molecules and the host material, and they can be well explored by various neutron scattering tools. As a representative example of both confinement phenomena and neutron experimental approaches, recent results on hydrogen in clathrates hydrates obtained in collaboration with the TOF Spectroscopy Group at the Berlin Neutron Scattering Center of Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin will be discussed in more detail, revealing amongst others for the first time confinement enhanced molecular mobility.