Nonequilibrium Quantum Mechanics of Strongly Correlated Systems: General Results and Application to Molecular Devices
Feb 13, 2006
1:30PM to 2:30PM
Date(s) - 13/02/2006
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Title: Nonequilibrium Quantum Mechanics of Strongly Correlated Systems: General Results and Application to Molecular Devices
Speaker: Dr. Aditi Mitra
Institute: University of Toronto
Department of Physics
Location: ABB 165
Nonequilibrium quantum mechanics is a fundamental issue, which has received new impetus with the advent of molecular electronics. Molecular-scale devices, owing to their small size and easy deformability are characterized by strong electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions and can be driven far out of equilibrium by the application of an external voltage. In this talk I will present a general formalism for the steady-state properties of strongly interacting nonequilibrium quantum systems, and show how the methods can be used to address both fundamental questions such as the nonequilibrium analogue of the fluctuation-dissipation relation between response and correlation functions and the nonequilibrium generalization of the renormalization group, as well as practical issues such as the current-voltage and noise spectra of prospective molecular devices.