P&A Colloquium – Dr. Aaron Vincent, Queens University
Nov 29, 2023
3:30PM to 4:30PM
1280 Main St. West, ABB 102, Hamilton, Canada

Date(s) - 29/11/2023
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Physics and Astronomy Department
ABB room 102
Guest: Dr. Aaron Vincent
Assistant Professor / Graduate Chair
Queen’s University
Title: Dark matter in the Sun and stars
Dark matter makes up about 85% of the matter in the Universe, but its true nature still eludes us. Direct detection experiments around the world are searching for the small dark matter-nucleon interactions that would give us the first clue about its particle physics properties. If such interactions exist, they would also cause dark matter to become trapped inside stars. This can have consequences ranging from unobservable to catastrophic: small effects on neutrino fluxes detected at earth, asteroseismologial changes, the formation of black holes in stellar cores, and even premature thermonuclear detonation. I will discuss the background and many fascinating challenges that we are faced with in using stars as a laboratory for dark matter discovery.